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Procurement Approval Certificate - ANNEX 1

Started by admin, May 20, 2009, 11:06:07 PM

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TO (title of contracting officer)



Estimated Cost

Amount of Usable Appropriations

Investment Project No

Budgeting (if any)

Terms of Advance Payment

Procurement Procedure1

Form and Quantity of Procurement

Sales Price of Prequalification/ Tender Document

If the Price Difference Will Be Paid, Related Decree of Council of Ministers



I hereby submit to your high considerations the requirement to hold procurement for the works indicated hereinabove.

Contracting Officer3

Name & Surname


Annex: Estimated cost summary table


NAME OF WORKS: .....................................................................................

Line No.
Portions of Works
Amount (TL)









Lines shall be inserted to the table as necessary.

TOTAL (excl. VAT)


Name, Surname
Name, Surname
Name, Surname

Name, Surname

Encl.: Estimated cost schedules concerning the portions of works.

Standard Form  KIK001.1/Y
Estimated Cost Summary Table

[name of contracting entity]

The works for [name of work] shall be procured through open tender procedure.
Procurement register number*
1- Contracting entity's

a) address
b) phone and fax number
c) e-mail (if any)
2- Works to be procured

a) nature, type and quantity
b) location
c) work commencement date
: The work shall commence upon handover of worksite within ..... days as from the date of notification concerning the conclusion of contract.
d) Duration of work
: ..... calendar days as from the date of handover of worksite.
3- Procurement's

a) location
b) date and time
4- The conditions for participation in procurement, documents required and the criteria application in evaluation of qualification:
4.1-The conditions for participation in procurement and documents required:
4.2- Documents concerning the economic and financial qualification and the criteria that such documents have to meet:1
4.3- Documents concerning the professional and technical qualification and the criteria that such documents have to meet:2
4.4- Similar works in this procurement shall be ...........................................................................3
5- [Only the domestic tenderers can participate in the procurement./ The procurement is open to domestic and foreign tenderers./Price advantage shall be applied by ....% in favor of domestic tenderers in the procurement./ Price advantage shall not be applied in favor of the domestic tenderers in the procurement]
6- The tender document can be reviewed at [address of contracting entity] and obtained [from the same address/ ...............................] against TL ............................... Those that can submit tenders for the procurement have to purchase the tender document.
7- The tenders can either be delivered personally to the [place where the procurement shall be held] until the [time of procurement] or sent via registered and prepaid mail.
8- The tenderers shall submit their tenders [over turnkey lump sum. Turnkey lump sum contract shall be concluded with the tenderer that is awarded as a result of the procurement. /- over tender unit costs over the total amount that is calculated by multiplying the items with the unit costs proposed for the items. Unit cost contract shall be concluded with the tenderer that is awarded as a result of the procurement.]
9- The tenderers shall furnish Bid Bond at the amount to be determined by them, which shall not be less than 3% of the tender price.
10- The validity period of tenders submitted must be minimum ............... calendar days as from the date of procurement.
11- Consortiums can/ cannot submit tenders for the procurement.

[name of contracting entity]

The candidates that have sufficient experience are invited to make application for prequalification for the works of [name of work]. The said work shall be awarded through the restricted procedure with participation of the tenderers that will be invited for negotiation after having been found qualified as a result of the evaluation on prequalification.

Procurement register number*
1- Contracting entity that requests for prequalification

a) address
b) phone and fax number
c) e-mail (if any)
2- Works related to prequalification

a) nature, type and quantity
b) location
c) work commencement date
: The work shall commence upon handover of worksite within ..... days as from the date of notification concerning the conclusion of contract.
d) duration of work
: ..... calendar days as from the date of handover of worksite.
3- Evaluation on prequalification

a) location
b) date and time
4- The conditions for participation in prequalification, documents required and the criteria application in evaluation of qualification:

4.1-The conditions for participation in prequalification and documents required:
4.2- Documents concerning the economic and financial qualification and the criteria that such documents have to meet:1
4.3- Documents concerning the professional and technical qualification and the criteria that such documents have to meet:2
4.4- Similar works in this procurement shall be ...........................................................................3
5- [Only the domestic tenderers can participate in the procurement./ The procurement is open to all foreign tenderers./Price advantage shall be applied by ....% in favor of domestic tenderers in the procurement./ Price advantage shall not be applied in favor of the domestic tenderers in the procurement]
6- The prequalification document can be reviewed at [address of contracting entity] and obtained [from the same address/ ........................] against TL ............................... Those that will apply for prequalification have to purchase the prequalification document.
7- The application documents to be drawn up in compliance with the prequalification document can either be delivered personally to the [address of application] until [deadline date of application] [deadline time of application] or sent via registered and prepaid mail.
8- Consortiums [can/ cannot] apply.

[name of contracting entity]

The tenderers that act in the field of subject matter of procurement and that have sufficient experience are invited to submit tenders for the works of [name of work]. The work shall be awarded through negotiated procedure among the tenderers that are invited after having been found qualified as a result of evaluation on qualification.
Procurement register number*
1- Contracting entity's

a) address
b) phone and fax number
c) e-mail (if any)
2- Works to be procured

a) nature, type and quantity
b) location
c) work commencement date
: The work shall commence upon handover of worksite within ..... days as from the date of notification concerning the conclusion of contract.
d) duration of work
: ..... calendar days as from the date of handover of worksite.
3- Evaluation on qualification

a) location
b) date and time
4- The conditions for participation in evaluation on qualification, documents required and the criteria applicable for evaluation on qualification:
4.1-The conditions for participation in procurement and documents required:
4.2- Documents concerning the economic and financial qualification and the criteria that such documents have to meet:1
4.3- Documents concerning the professional and technical qualification and the criteria that such documents have to meet:2
4.4- Similar works in this procurement shall be ...........................................................................3
5- [Only the domestic tenderers can participate in the procurement./ The procurement is open to all foreign tenderers./Price advantage shall be applied by ....% in favor of domestic tenderers in the procurement./ Price advantage shall not be applied in favor of the domestic tenderers in the procurement]
6- The tender document can be reviewed at [address of contracting entity] and obtained [from the same address/ ...............................] against TL ............................... Those that will participate in qualification process have to purchase the tender document.
7- The application documents to be drawn up in compliance with the tender document can either be delivered personally to the [the place where the evaluation on qualification shall be made] until [deadline time of application] or sent via registered and prepaid mail.
8- Consortiums [can/ cannot] apply.
[Letterhead of contracting entity]

Procurement register number


Invitation to submit tenders

This letter has been delivered to you [via registered & prepaid mail/ personally] on _ _ / _ _ / _ _ _ _

          [address of tenderer],
      Messrs. [name or trade title of tenderer],

   The procurement shall be held by receiving tenders from the tenderers that are found qualified as a result of the evaluation on qualification made in relation to [name of work]. The tender document concerning the procurement can be reviewed and/or purchased at the address indicated below. You have to submit your application for qualification, which shall be drawn up in compliance with the tender document in order to participate in the procurement, to the address indicated in the tender document until _ _ / _ _ / _ _ _ _ (date) at _ _ : _ _ (time) at the latest.

   It is submitted to you for knowledge and necessary action.

Address:[address of contracting entity]                     Contracting Officer
   [phone or fax of contracting entity]                   Name & Surname
   [e-mail of contracting entity (if any)]                              Position

[Letterhead of contracting entity]

Procurement register number*   :
Name of work         :
Date of [prequalification/ procurement]: __/__/____ at __:__
Trade title of [tenderer/ candidate]


Date and time of purchasing the document

Date and number of certificate concerning the collection of the value of document



This is to certify that the documents comprising the tender document in relation to [the name of work] have been checked to verify that they are true copies and complete by the [tenderer/ candidate], and all of them have been duly delivered with a memorandum indicating the documents in the content4 .

[Tender/ prequalification] document consists of;

   1) .....................................................................................
   2) .....................................................................................
   3) .....................................................................................
   4) .....................................................................................
   5) ........................................................
   ... (necessary lines shall be inserted to this section).

  Document purchased by
Delivered by
       Name & Surname
Contracting Officer
Name & Surname



* This shall be obtained from the Public Procurement Authority.
** If a clarification is made or  addendum is issued, the date and number of clarification or addendum shall be written when such clarification or addendum is sent to the address of candidate/ tenderer.
[Letterhead of contracting entity]
Procurement register number
Name of contracting entity
Name of work
Date and time of [application/ procurement)
: date _ _/_ _/_ _ _ _ ....................., time _ _:_ _

Date and time of submitting [application for prequalification/ application for qualification/ procurement tender envelope]
: date _ _/_ _/_ _ _ _ ....................., time: _ _:_ _

Line Number

CERTIFICATE OF RECEIPT OF [application for prequalification/ application for qualification/ procurement tender envelope]

[Application for prequalification/ application for qualification/ procurement tender envelope] named ........................... of [the candidate/ tenderer] has been registered under the line number indicated hereinabove, and received at the date and time mentioned hereinabove again.

Contracting Officer
Receiving the Document
Name & Surname

[Letterhead of contracting entity]
Procurement register number
Name of contracting entity
Name of work
Date and time of issuing minutes
: Date: _ _/_ _/_ _ _ _ ..................... Time: _ _:_ _

MINUTES FOR RECEIVING [application for prequalification/ application for qualification/ procurement tender envelope] by TENDER COMMISSION

Line No










Necessary lines shall be added to the table.

   ........ (.............) [Application for prequalification/ application for qualification/ procurement tender envelope] detailed hereinabove has/have reached to our Commission through the contracting entity until the time of commencement of [evaluation on prequalification/ evaluation on qualification/ procurement]. [Application for prequalification/ application for qualification/ procurement tender envelope] stored until the time of [evaluation on prequalification/ evaluation on qualification/ procurement] has/ have been received on _ _ / _ _ / _ _ _ _ at _ _:_ _.


Receiving Tender Commission
Contracting Officer

Name & Surname

Name & Surname
Name & Surname
Name & Surname
Name & Surname
Name & Surname



ANNEX-1) ..... [Application for prequalification/ application for qualification/ procurement tender envelope]

[Letterhead of contracting entity]
Procurement register number
Name of contracting entity
Name of work
Date and time of application/ tender
Date and time of receiving application/ tender

: Date: _ _/_ _/_ _ _ _ ..................... Time: _ _:_ _
Date of issuing minutes
: Date: _ _/_ _/_ _ _ _ ..................... Time: _ _:_ _

MINUTES FOR TIME OF RECEIPT OF [application for prequalification/ application for qualification/ procurement tender envelope] THAT ARE NOT PROCESSED DUE TO DELAY IN MAIL SERVICE

   [Application for prequalification/ application for qualification/ procurement tender envelope] of [name or trade title of candidate/ tenderer] has reached to our contracting entity after the deadline date and time of application indicated in the announcement for [prequalification/ procurement] via mail at the date and time written hereinabove.

Officer Delivering the Mail

Contracting Officer
Name & Surname

Name & Surname



[Letterhead of contracting entity]
Procurement register number
Name of contracting entity
Name of work
These minutes hereby have been issued on _ _/_ _/_ _ _ _ ..................... at _ _:_ _.


Line No.










Since .... (.............) [application for prequalification/ application for qualification/ procurement tender envelope] is/are not in compliance with the provisions set forth in paragraph one of Article 30 of Law #4734, it/ they has/have been disqualified owing to the reasons described hereinabove.


Name & Surname
Name & Surname
Name & Surname
Name & Surname
Name & Surname

[Letterhead of contracting entity]
Procurement register number
Name of contracting entity
Name of work
Name of minutes
Date and time of filling in the form
: Date: _ _/_ _/_ _ _ _ ..................... Time: _ _:_ _


Name or Trade Title of Candidate/ Tenderer
Document 1
Document 2
Document 3
Document 4
Document 5
Document 6
Document 7
Document 8
Document n

Name of document

Candidate/ Tenderer 1

Candidate/ Tenderer 2

Candidate/ Tenderer 3

Candidate/ Tenderer 4

Candidate/ Tenderer 5


Candidate/ Tenderer n


Name & Surname
Name & Surname
Name & Surname
Name & Surname
Name & Surname
[Letterhead of contracting entity]
Procurement register number
Name of contracting entity
Name of work
Date and time of filling in the minutes
: Date: _ _/_ _/_ _ _ _ ..................... Time: _ _:_ _



* If more than one certificate of a candidate/ tenderer is disqualified, one line shall be used for each document in the column "DOCUMENT", and the number of lines in the table can be increased as necessary.


Name & Surname
Name & Surname
Name & Surname
Name & Surname
Name & Surname

Procurement register number1

Name of contracting entity

Name of procurement

Date and time of filling in the form
..../...../......... , ..../....

Name, Surname/ Trade Title of Tenderer
Type of Work Experience Certificate 2

Date of Contract 3
Value of Certificate
Coefficient for Evaluation4
Converted Amount
Coefficient for Updating
Value of certificate updated
[Qualified/ Disqualified]

Basis TEFE
(d) 5
TEFE on the date of first announcement for procurement (e) 6
Coefficient for updating
(e) / (d) = (f)


(c) x (f)






Name & Surname
Name & Surname
Name & Surname
Name & Surname
Name & Surname



The number obtained from the Public Procurement Authority shall be written.

Whether the certificate is a work completion/ work status/ subcontractor- work completion/ work supervision/ work management certificate shall be indicated herein.

In respect of works that are contracted over the unit costs in the estimated cost schedule, the year related to the costs taken as basis for estimation shall be written, and in respect of works that are contracted over turnkey lump sum or unit cost, the date of contract shall be written.

1/10 shall be written for work management certificates, 1/5 for work supervision certificates and 1/1 for the other certificates in relation to the works performed domestically, and 1/20 shall be written for work management certificates, 1/10 for work supervision certificates and 1/2 for the other certificates in the relation to the works performed abroad.

In respect of works that are contracted over the unit costs in the estimation schedule domestically, the TEFE (Wholesale Price Index) in December of previous year published in January of the year taken as basis for the contract unit costs, and the TEFE of previous month, which is published in the month including the date of contract shall be written in respect of works that are contracted turnkey over lump sum or unit costs

The TEFE of previous month, which is published in the month including the date of first announcement for procurement or date of invitation shall be written in respect of works that are contracted over unit costs in the domestic estimation and the works that are contracted over turnkey lump sum and unit costs.

a-If certificates of graduation are given instead of work experience certificates, "Certificate of Graduation" shall be written in Column (II), year of graduation shall be written in Column (III), amount set forth in Article 62/h of Law shall be written in Column (IV), the figure that is found by deducting the year of procurement from the year of graduation shall be written in Column (V), and the figure that is found by multiplying the figure in Column (V) with the figure in Column (IV) shall be written in Column (VIII) and evaluation shall be made over this amount. If the year of graduation is within the same calendar year with the year of procurement, the value of Column (IV) shall be assumed as 1.
b-In respect of certificates issued in foreign currency, the value of certificate in foreign currency shall be written in Column (IV), and coefficient for evaluation shall be written in Column (V), and the converted amount shall be written in Column (VI), and foreign exchange buying rate of the Central Bank on the date of first announcement of procurement/ prequalification or invitation shall be written in Column (VII) and the amount that is found by multiplying the columns (VI) and (VII) shall be written in Column (VIII) and the evaluation shall be made over such amount.

[Letterhead of contracting entity]
Procurement register number
Name of contracting entity
Name of work
Date of filling in the minutes

MINUTES FOR RESULT OF EVALUATION OF [prequalification/ qualification]

CANDIDATES THAT APPLY FOR [prequalification/ qualification]

Candidate/ Tenderer 1
Candidate/ Tenderer 2
Candidate/ Tenderer 3
Candidate/ Tenderer n


Qualified/ Disqualified
Reasons of Disqualification
Candidate/ Tenderer 1

Candidate/ Tenderer 2

Candidate/ Tenderer 3




Candidate/ Tenderer n


Name & Surname
Name & Surname
Name & Surname
Name & Surname
Name & Surname
[Letterhead of contracting entity]
Procurement Register Number*


Notification to the candidates/ tenderers that are not found qualified as a result of evaluation on [prequalification/ qualification]
Date of decision on qualification
_ _/_ _/_ _ _ _

This letter has been [delivered to you personally/ sent via registered & prepaid mail] on _ _/_ _/_ _ _ _ not exceeding the period of three days as from the date of decision on qualification.

[address of candidate/ tenderer]
   Messrs. [name or trade title of candidate/ tenderer],

REF   : Your application for [prequalification/ application] registered on _ _/_ _/_ _ _ _ under line no ......................

   Thank you for participating in the qualification procedure of [the name of work]. We regret notifying you that you have not been found qualified in the evaluation owing to the reason(s) set forth herein below8:


   Seventh day following the date of mailing this letter shall be the date of notification of decision to you. It is possible for you to make written complaint to our contracting entity as per Articles 54 and 55 of Law #4734 within fifteen days following this date or the date of delivering the notification letter to you personally. A decision with reasons thereof shall be taken by our contracting entity within thirty dates following the date of complaint, and notified to all candidates/ tenderers within seven days. If any decision is not taken within such period or the decision taken is not approved by you, it is possible for you to apply to the Public Procurement Authority for review within fifteen days following date of expiry of the period of taking decision or date of decision.

   It is submitted for your knowledge and necessary action.

Contracting Officer

Name & Signature



[Letterhead of contracting entity]
Procurement register number*
: Invitation for Procurement
Date of prequalification
: _ _/_ _/_ _ _ _

This letter has been [delivered to you personally/ sent via registered & prepaid mail] on _ _/_ _/_ _ _ _

[address of candidate]
[name or trade title of candidate],

: Your application for prequalification registered on _ _/_ _/_ _ _ _ under line no .........

   This is to confirm that you have been found qualified as a result of evaluation on prequalification made in relation to [the name of work]. You are hereby kindly requested to submit your tender to be drawn up in compliance with the tender document in order to participate in the procurement to the address indicated in the tender document until _ _/_ _/_ _ _ _9 at _ _:_ _ at the latest.

   It is hereby submitted for your knowledge and necessary action.

The place where the tender document can be reviewed
The place where the tender document can be purchased
Sale price of tender document

[address of contracting entity]
Contracting Officer

[phone and fax of contracting entity]
Name & Surname

[e-mail of contracting entity (if any)]


[Letterhead of contracting entity]
Procurement register number*
: Invitation to submit technical tender10
Date of decision on prequalification
: _ _/_ _/_ _ _ _

This letter has been [delivered to you personally/ sent via registered & prepaid mail] on _ _/_ _/_ _ _ _

[address of tenderer]
[name or trade title of tenderer],

: Your application for qualification registered on _ _/_ _/_ _ _ _ under line no .........

   This is to confirm that you have been found qualified as a result of evaluation on qualification made in relation to [the name of work]. You are hereby kindly requested to submit your technical tender not including the price to be drawn up in compliance with the tender document in order to participate in the procurement to the address indicated in the tender document until _ _/_ _/_ _ _ _11 at _ _:_ _ at the latest. The technical tenders to be submitted by you shall be opened in before the tenderers and participants on _ _/_ _/_ _ _ _ at _ _:_ _, and negotiations shall be made with each tenderer on the technical tenders submitted.

   It is hereby submitted for your knowledge and necessary action.

[address of contracting entity]
Contracting Officer

[phone and fax of contracting entity]
Name & Surname

[e-mail of contracting entity (if any)]


[Letterhead of contracting entity]
Procurement register number*
: Invitation to submit tenders

This letter has been [delivered to you personally/ sent via registered & prepaid mail] on _ _/_ _/_ _ _ _

[address of tenderer]

[name or trade title of tenderer],

   You are hereby kindly requested to submit your tender including the price, which shall be drawn up [on the basis of technical specification with clarified conditions after reviewing on the technical tender submitted by you as a result of the negotiations1] in relation to [the name of work] to the address indicated in the tender document until _ _/_ _/_ _ _ _ at _ _:_ _ at the latest. [Technical specification annexed to our letter consists of;
   1) .....................................................................................
   2) .....................................................................................
   3) .....................................................................................
   4) .....................................................................................
   5) ....................................................................................
   ... (Lines shall be added to this section as necessary).]1

[address of contracting entity]
Contracting Officer

[phone and fax of contracting entity]
Name & Surname

[e-mail of contracting entity (if any)]


* This shall be obtained from the Public Procurement Authority.
1 These expressions shall not be used in the procurements that are held as per items (b) and (c) of Article 21 of Law #4734.

Procurement register number:
_ _/_ _/_ _ _ _

[Address of contracting entity]
[Name of work]

TO THE TENDER COMMISSION OF .....................
   [city where the contracting entity is seated]

1.   We, as authorized to represent and act on behalf of [name of candidate/ tenderer] (hereinafter referred to as "Applicant"), hereby apply for evaluation of qualification in relation to the procurement of [name of work] by reviewing and understanding all requirements for qualification and the related information.
2.   Your contracting entity and authorized representatives are authorized to make all inquiries and investigations in order to verify the notices, documents and information submitted with this application, and may require explanation from our banks and customers in relation to any kind of financial and technical matter. This letter of application shall also serve as a letter of authorization for any member or authorized representative of any organization mentioned in the supporting information in order to get information and to verify the notices and information given or sources, experiences and qualification of the Application if deemed necessary and requested by your contracting entity.
3.   Your contracting entity and authorized representatives can contract with the following people in order to get more information. The initial names and signatures shall be fully authorized to act on behalf of the Applicant.

Contact 1
[address and the units that can be communicated]
Contact 2
[address and the units that can be communicated]

4.   This application is made with full comprehension of the following:
a)   Your contracting entity reserves the right to cancel the qualification procedure and reject all applications.
b)   Your contracting entity shall not be responsible for the actions set forth in Article 4(a) hereinabove.
5.   We, the undersigned, hereby declare that  the commitments and information given in this application are complete, real and true with every detail.

Name/ Title of Application (Pilot or Coordinator Partner in Joint Ventures)
Name of Partner (if any)

Name of Partner (if any)
Name of Partner (if any)
Note: The notarized letters of authorization and signature circulars of the people, whose signatures are subscribed above, shall be annexed to this letter of application.


Procurement register number:
_ _/_ _/_ _ _ _

TO THE TENDER COMMISSION OF ....................

[city where the contractıng entıty ıs seated]


Name, surname/ trade title, nationality
Full notification address
Associated tax office and tax number
Phone and fax number
E-mail (if any)
      This is to verify that we have duly reviewed and read all documents comprising the tender document for [the name of work], which shall be awarded on _ _/_ _/_ _ _ _ by your contracting entity, and we have visited the location of work, surrounding areas and the features of the location and the ground conditions, and accepted all conditions without any distinction and limitation.
   1- We hereby agree and guarantee to perform the said work against the turnkey lump sum of ............ (in figures and words) ................ exclusive of VAT.
   2- Our tender shall be valid for ........... [in figures and words] 12 calendar days as from the date of procurement.
   3- We hereby declare that we have not submitted more than one tender directly or indirectly and personally or by proxy for us or on behalf of others for the work, which is the subject matter of procurement, as per Article 17/d of Law #4734.
   4- We know and agree that you do not have to select any tender or the lowest tender.
5- In respect of other works that will be carried out/ caused to be carried out by your contracting entity in relation to the work, which is the subject matter of procurement, we hereby warrant that we shall not enter into any action and formation on contrary to the interests of your contracting entity.
   6- We are acting as [domestic/ foreign] tenderer according to the definition of "domestic tenderer" as per Article 4 of Law #4734.
Name, surname- Stamp of Company
Revenue Stamp- Signature13

Procurement register number:
_ _/_ _/_ _ _ _

TO THE TENDER COMMISSION OF ...........................

[City where the contractıng entıty ıs seated]


Name, surname/ trade title, nationality
Full notification address
Associated tax office and tax number
Phone and fax number
E-mail (if any)

      This is to verify that we have duly reviewed and read all documents comprising the tender document for [the name of work], which shall be awarded on _ _/_ _/_ _ _ _ by your contracting entity, and we have visited the location of work, surrounding areas and the features of the location and the ground conditions, and accepted all conditions without any distinction and limitation.
   1- We hereby agree and guarantee to perform the said work against ............ (in figures and words) ................ exclusive of VAT over the unit costs that we have proposed for each item indicated in the unit cost schedule annexed to this tender.
   2- We hereby agree that the quantity and nature of each item included in the tender schedule are in compliance with the technical specification and projects included in the tender document.
   3- Our tender shall be valid for ........... [in figures and words] 14 calendar days as from the date of procurement.
   4- We hereby declare that we have not submitted more than one tender directly or indirectly and personally or by proxy for us or on behalf of others for the work, which is the subject matter of procurement, as per Article 17/d of Law #4734.
   5- We know and agree that you do not have to select any tender or the lowest tender.
6- In respect of other works that will be carried out/ caused to be carried out by your contracting entity in relation to the work, which is the subject matter of procurement, we hereby warrant that we shall not enter into any action and formation on contrary to the interests of your contracting entity.
   7- We are acting as [domestic/ foreign] tenderer according to the definition of "domestic tenderer" as per Article 4 of Law #4734.

Name, Surname- Stamp of Company
Revenue Stamp- Signature15

Annex: Unit cost tender schedule

Procurement Register Number:
Line No
Item No
Name and Brief Description of Item
Unit of Measure
Unit Cost Proposed


* Lines shall be inserted to the table as necessary.

Name & Surname 3- Stamp of Company

Procurement register number*
Name of contracting entity
Name of work
Date of filling in the form
: Date: _ _/_ _/_ _ _ _ Time: _ _:_ _


Amount of Tender

In Figures
In Words
Tenderer 1

Tenderer 2

Tenderer 3

Tenderer 4

Tenderer 5

Tenderer 6

Tenderer 7


Tenderer n

................. tenderer(s) has/have participated in the procurement and the prices proposed by him/them are indicated hereinabove and have been disclosed to the participants.


Name & Surname
Name & Surname
Name & Surname
Name & Surname
Name & Surname

Procurement register number*
Resolution number
Name of contracting entity
Name of work
Date and time of procurement
: Date: _ _/_ _/_ _ _ _ , Time: _ _:_ _
Procurement procedure
Total number of tenders
Number of valid tenders

Economically most advantageous tender

a) name/ trade title of tenderer
b) amount

Economically most advantageous second tender

a) name/ trade title of tenderer
b) amount

Date and time of issuance of these minutes

: Date: _ _/_ _/_ _ _ _ , Time: _ _:_ _

Amounts Proposed by Tenderers
Name/ Trade Title of Tenderer
Amount Proposed
Tenderer 1

Tenderer 2

Tenderer 3


Tenderer n

[the proceedings conducted since the beginning of the activities of the tender commission and the reasons of taking such a resolution, and the opinion of commission about the economically most advantageous first and second tenders, and if there is a tenderer that is qualified, the grounds of such disqualification, and if the procurement is not held, a detailed explanation of the grounds of not holding the procurement shall be written in this section]


Name & Surname
Name & Surname
Name & Surname
Name & Surname
Name & Surname

Annex: Letter of confirmation evidencing that the tenderer awarded is not banned from participating in procurements.

[Letterhead of contracting officer]

Procurement register number*
: Final procurement resolution
Date of procurement resolution
: _ _/_ _/_ _ _ _
Date of approval of procurement resolution
: _ _/_ _/_ _ _ _

This letter has been [delivered to you personally/ sent via registered & prepaid mail] on _ _/_ _/_ _ _ _

[address of tenderer]

[name or trade title of tenderer],

: Your tender registered on _ _/_ _/_ _ _ _ under line no. ...............

The contract for [the name of work] is awarded to [name or trade title of the tenderer that is awarded the contract]. Economically most advantageous second tenderer is [name or trade title of the economically most advantageous second tenderer].   

[if this letter is sent to the tenderer whose tender is not evaluated or not found appropriate, the reasons of not evaluating or not finding appropriate the tender shall be written herein briefly]

If this letter is notified personally, it shall be deemed notified on the same day, and sent via mail service, it shall be deemed notified on the seventh (7th) day following the date of giving to the mail service. If the tenderers whose tenders are not taken into consideration or not found appropriate make written request within five (5) days following the date of notification, the reasons of not taking into consideration or not finding appropriate the tenders shall be indicated in detail. I hereby kindly request you to be informed as per Article 41 of Public Procurement Law #4734.

Contracting Officer

Name & Surname


[letterhead of contracting entity]

Procurement register number*
: Procurement resolution cancelled
Date of cancellation of procurement
: _ _/_ _/_ _ _ _
Date of cancellation of procurement resolution
: _ _/_ _/_ _ _ _

This letter has been [delivered to you personally/ sent via registered & prepaid mail] on _ _/_ _/_ _ _ _

[address of tenderer]

[name or trade title of tenderer],

: Your tender registered on _ _/_ _/_ _ _ _ under line no. ...............

   The procurement concerning [the name of work] has been cancelled [owing to/on grounds of] [the reason of canceling the procurement shall be written herein briefly].

If this letter is notified personally, it shall be deemed notified on the same day, and sent via mail service, it shall be deemed notified on the seventh (7th) day following the date of giving to the mail service. If you make written request within five (5) days following the date of notification, the reasons of cancellation of the procurement resolution shall be indicated in more detail. I hereby kindly request you to be informed as per Article 41 of Public Procurement Law #4734.

Contracting Officer

Name & Surname



[letterhead of contracting entity]
Procurement register number*
: Cancellation of procurement owing to the rejection of all tenders   
Date of procurement
: _ _/_ _/_ _ _ _
Date of cancellation of procurement

: _ _/_ _/_ _ _ _

This letter has been sent to you via registered & prepaid mail on _ _/_ _/_ _ _ _.

[address of tenderer]

[name or trade title of tenderer],

: Your tender registered on _ _/_ _/_ _ _ _ under line no. ...............

Pursuant to the resolution of tender commission, all tenders concerning [the name of work] have been rejected and the procurement has been cancelled. The seventh (7th) day following the date of giving this letter to the mail service shall be deemed as the date of notification of resolution to you. If you make a written request within five days as from this date, the reasons of cancellation of procurement resolution shall be notified by our contracting entity.
It is hereby submitted for your knowledge.

Contracting Officer

Name & Surname



[letterhead of contracting entity]
Procurement register number*
: Invitation to conclude the contract
Date of approval of procurement resolution
: _ _/_ _/_ _ _ _

This letter has been [delivered to you personally/ sent via registered & prepaid mail] on _ _/_ _/_ _ _ _

[address of tenderer]

[name or trade title of tenderer],

: Your tender registered on _ _/_ _/_ _ _ _ under line no. ...............

   The contract of [the name of work] has been awarded to you. You are kindly requested hereby to submit the documents evidencing that you are not in the cases set forth in items (a), (b), (c), (d), (e) and (g) of the last paragraph of Article 10 of Law #4734 as well as the performance bond at 6% of the procurement amount and complete the other necessary proceedings and conclude the contract of the work, which is the subject matter of procurement. The seventh (7th) day following the date of giving this letter to the mail service shall be deemed as the date of notification to you18.

   It is submitted hereby for your knowledge and necessary action.

Contracting Officer

Name & Surname



[name of contracting entity]

Procurement register number*
1)   Work to be procured

a)   Name
b)   Nature, type and quantity
c)   Location
d)   Date of commencement and

2)   Contract amount

a)   Resource
b)   Amount of resource

Totally ........ tenders have been submitted for the procurement of [name of work] and ......... of these tenders have been deemed valid. The said procurement of works has been awarded to [name of contractor/ trade title of contractor] against the amount of ........................... on _ _/_ _/_ _ _ _ through the [open tender procedure/ restricted tender procedure/ negotiated tender procedure]. It is hereby kindly publicized.

TO THE TENDER COMMISSION OF ..................................
                  [city where the contracting entity is seated]

Procurement register number*:

1) This is to certify that [I/we am/are] taking part in [the name of work] as a tenderer. As of the date of this letter of commitment, [I/we] hereby declare that [I am / we are / not] in the circumstances set forth in items (a), (b), (c), (d), (e), (g) and (i) of the last paragraph of Article 10 of Law No. 4734. If any change occurs in this case, [I/we] undertake to notify the same to the Contracting Entity promptly.

2) If [I/we] am/are awarded the contract, [I/we] hereby agree and represent to submit the certificates evidencing that [I/we am/are not] in the circumstances set forth in items (a), (b), (c), (d), (e) and (g) of the last paragraph of Article 10 of Law No. 4734 before concluding the contract.

3) Otherwise, [I/we] hereby agree that the Bid Bond shall be registered as revenue and the penalty stipulated under Article 58 of the Law shall be applied for [me / us].

-- / -- / ----
Name, Surname1
Stamp of Company
Revenue Stamp – Signature

* The procurement register number shall be entered by the contracting entity before this Standard Form is attached to the tender document.
1 This section must be signed by the tenderer or the person authorized to submit tender. In the case of joint ventures (joint venture or consortium), this letter of commitment shall be submitted by each partner separately.

Standard Form- KIK027.0/Y
Letter of Commitment Evidencing That Tenderers Are Not Those That Will Be Disqualified From the Procurement and Those That Will Not Be Able To Participate In The Procurement During Submittal of Tenders In Open, Restricted and Negotiated Tender Procedures

TO THE TENDER COMMISSION OF ..................................
                  [city where the contracting entity is seated]

Procurement register number*:

1) This is to certify that [I/we am/are] taking part in [the name of work] as a/an [tenderer/ applicant]. As of the date of this letter of commitment, [I/we] hereby declare that [I am / we are / not] in the circumstances of disqualification from the procurement set forth in the last paragraph of Article 10 of Law No. 4734 and [I am / we are / not] in the circumstances of those that cannot participate in the procurement as per Article 11 of the same Law. If any change occurs in this case declared, [I/we] undertake to notify the same to the Contracting Entity promptly.

2) Otherwise, [I/we] hereby agree that the Bid Bond shall be registered as revenue and the penalty stipulated under Article 58 of the Law shall be applied for [me / us].

-- / -- / ----
Name, Surname1
Stamp of Company
Revenue Stamp – Signature

* The procurement register number shall be entered by the contracting entity before this Standard Form is attached to the tender document.
1 This section must be signed by the applicant or the person authorized to make application. In the case of joint ventures (joint venture or consortium), this letter of commitment shall be submitted by each partner separately.

Standard Form- KIK027.1/Y
Letter of Commitment Evidencing That Applicants Are Not Those That Will Be Disqualified From the Procurement and Those That Will Not Be Able To Participate In The Procurement During The Prequalification Stage In Restricted Tender Procedure and During Qualification Stage in the Negotiated Tender Procedure

TO THE TENDER COMMISSION OF ..................................
                  [city where the contracting entity is seated]

Procurement register number*:

We hereby agree and warrant that [certificate of work completion/ work status/ work supervision/ work management] submitted by ............................. [the candidates/ tenderers] within the scope of [tender/ application] in relation to ................... [work], the procurement of which shall be held on ..../..../200... belongs to ..................... in respect of the shareholders holding more than half of the shares at this [candidate/ tenderer];

and that the said percentage of share shall be maintained during the period of performance bond (until final acceptance) and all work experience certificates issued in the name of the holder of certificate shall only be made available to this tenderer only as long as this percentage of share is maintained in the said [candidate/ tenderer], and that it shall not be made available to the other corporate bodies in order to enable them to participate in procurements.

-- / -- / ----
Name, Surname/ Trade Title1
Stamp of Company
Revenue Stamp – Signature

Note: The letter of commitment shall be notarized.

* The procurement register number shall be entered by the contracting entity before this Standard Form is attached to the tender document.
1 The person that makes available the work experience certificate to the candidate or tenderer that holds more than half of the shares and the person that uses the work experience certificate in order to be able to participate in the procurement shall sign here separately as per item (d) of Article 55 of Regulation on Implementation of Works Procurements.

Standard Form – KIK027.2/Y
Letter of Commitment Stating That Work Experience Certificate
Shall Not Be Made Available To Another Corporate Body

TO THE TENDER COMMISSION OF ..................................
                  [city where the contracting entity is seated]

Procurement register number*:

[I/ we] hereby declare that [I/ we] am/are partner to the personal companies and hold more than half of the capital of the capital companies, the names/ trade titles and other particulars of which are written below. [I/ we] hereby agree and represent to notify any change in this situation.

There is not any partnership and share that is required to be declared. [I/ we] hereby agree and represent to notify any change in this situation.1

Name/ Trade Title

Partnership/ Percentage of Share

Tax Identification Number

Chamber of Commerce/ Industry/ Craftsmen

Commerce / Craftsmen Register Number


Postal Code

Province / District

Tel – Fax


Web Site

-- / -- / ----
Name, Surname2
Stamp of Company

* The procurement register number shall be entered by the contracting entity before this Standard Form is attached to the tender document.
1 Only this section shall be written if there is not any partnership and/or share to be declared.
2 This must be signed by the tenderer or the person authorized to submit tender. In the case of joint ventures (joint venture or consortium), the declaration shall be submitted by each partner separately.

Standard Form – KIK027.3/Y
Declaration To Be Given By Those That Will Participate In Procurement
For Their Partnerships and/or Shares In Corporate Bodies

Procurement register number*:

We have entered into a private joint venture in order to submit joint tender to [the name of work] tendered by [the name of contracting entity] and perform and prosecute the work after concluding the contract if we are awarded the contract. If we are awarded the contract, the joint venture agreement shall be notarized and submitted to the Contracting Entity before the contract is concluded. Pilot partner of our joint venture shall be [name of the pilot partner] until the completion of work.

If we are awarded the contract as a result of the joint tender that we submit, we hereby declare, accept and guarantee that the contract shall be signed by all partners and our partner indicated as the pilot partner shall have the full power to act for and on behalf of our joint venture in respect of all issues concerning the contract, and that each of us shall be jointly and successively liable for performing the works and commitments within the subject and scope of the contract that will be concluded as well as fulfilling the obligations arising from the contract and undertaken by our joint venture, and that we shall not leave the private joint venture that we have established, otherwise, [the name of contracting entity] shall be authorized to terminate the contract and register the performance bond as revenue, and that all communications and notifications to the pilot company shall be deemed to be made to our joint venture, the pilot partner and the remaining partners of the joint venture shall undertake all obligations and liabilities of the work including the performance bond in the events of death, bankruptcy, heavy disease, detention or imprisonment to the extent to limit the freedom or dissolution of any of the partners in the joint venture except for the pilot partner before the subject work is completed.

Item No.
Name of partner in the joint venture
Percentage of Share
Notification Address






Revenue Stamp

* The procurement register number shall be entered by the contracting entity before this Standard Form is attached to the tender document.

Standard Form – KIK028.0/Y
Joint Venture Declaration


-- / -- / ----
No: .........

As [the name of bank or private financial body] guarantees TL [amount of Bid Bond]1, which is the amount of Bid Bond required from [the name of tenderer] that will take part in the tender of [the name of work] tendered by your Contracting Entity according to the provisions of Law No. 4734 and tender document, and provided that the cases requiring registering the Bid Bond as revenue arises pursuant to the provisions of Public Procurement Law No. 4734 and the tender documents, we, the authorized signatories and representatives of [the name of bank or private financial body], hereby represent and declare for and on behalf of [the name of bank / private financial body] that we shall pay the amount written above promptly at your first demand without any delay to your Contracting Entity or order in cash and completely as well as the legal interests incurred from the date of such demand until the date of payment without any necessity to issue a notice, procure court order and take the permission of the said tenderer and irrespective of any dispute that may arise between the mentioned tenderer and your Contracting Entity as well as disregarding any conclusion and legal consequences of this dispute.

This Bid Bond shall remain valid until ......../....../...........2 and shall become void if we do not receive any written claim for indemnification until such date.

In the event of indemnification under this Bid Bond, the sum of Bid Bond, which is .................3, shall be paid to you.

[name of bank or private financial body]
[name of branch of the bank or private financial body] Branch
Name, Position and Signature of
Authorized Persons of [name of bank or private financial body]

a) In the case of Bid Bonds furnished based upon the counter-guarantee of foreign banks or similar credit bodies, the name of the foreign bank or credit body providing the counter-guarantee and that the Bid Bond is furnished under counter-guarantee shall be specified. If the currency taken as basis for tender is Turkish Lira, the Bid Bonds that will be issued under counter-guarantee shall be in Turkish Lira.
b) If the foreign currencies or submitting tenders in foreign currencies are allowed under "Currency Applicable for Tenders and Payments" of the Administrative Specification, the tenderers shall issue their Bid Bonds in the currency applicable for tenders.

1 The related currency shall be entered here in respect of the Bid Bonds that will be furnished in foreign currency.
2 This period shall be determined by the tenderer, but not less than 30 days following the expiry of the validity period of tender, according to Article 35 of Law No. 4734.
3 In the event of payment, it is essential the repayment be made in the currency of the bid bond by the bank and though the bid bonds issued in foreign currencies are accepted by the contracting entity, in cases where the collection can only be made in Turkish Lira as per the financial legislation of the contracting entity, it shall be written that the payment shall be effected over the foreign exchange selling rate of the Central Bank applicable on the date of payment.

Standard Form – KIK029.0/Y
Bid Bond
-- / -- / ----
No: .........
As [the name of bank or private financial body] guarantees TL [amount of performance bond]1, which is the amount of performance bond required from [the name of contractor] that has undertaken [the name of work] as a result of the procurement held by your Contracting Entity in order to fulfill the provisions of Law No. 4734, Law No. 4735, tender document and contract, and provided that the Contractor fails to fulfill the provisions of the said Laws, tender document and contract partially or wholly;

We, the authorized signatories and representatives of [the name of bank or private financial body], hereby represent and declare for and on behalf of [the name of bank / private financial body] that we shall pay the amount written above promptly at your first written demand without any delay to your Contracting Entity or order in cash and completely as well as the legal interests incurred from the date of such demand until the date of payment without any necessity to issue letter of warning, procure court order and take the permission of the said contractor and irrespective of any dispute that may arise between the mentioned [name of contractor] and your Contracting Entity as well as disregarding any conclusion and legal consequences of this dispute. This performance bond shall remain valid until ......../....../...........2 and shall become void if we do not have any written claim for indemnification which may receive until the same date.

In the event of indemnification under this performance bond, the sum of performance bond, which is.................3, shall be paid to you in the currency of the performance bond issued.

[name of bank or private financial body]
[name of branch of the bank or private financial body] Branch
Name, Position and Signature of
Authorized Persons of [name of bank or private financial body]

a) In the case of performance bonds furnished based upon the counter-guarantee of foreign banks or similar credit bodies, the name of the foreign bank or credit body providing the counter-guarantee and that the performance bond is furnished under counter-guarantee shall be specified. If the currency taken as basis for payment is Turkish Lira, the performance bonds that will be issued under counter-guarantee shall be in Turkish Lira.
b) If the foreign currencies or submitting tenders in foreign currencies are allowed under "Currency Applicable for Tenders and Payments" of the Administrative Specification, the tenderers shall issue their Performance Bonds in the currency applicable for tenders.

1 The related currency shall be entered here in the performance bonds to be furnished in the foreign currency.
2 This duration may not be less than the duration determined by the Contracting Entity in view of the date of approval of the final acceptance protocol in the Procurements of Works as per Article 13 of Law #4735, and the date of expiry of warranty period in the works other than the construction works if a warranty period is foreseen for the goods procured or the works carried out, and the date of completion of work as per Article 35 of Law #4734 in cases where warranty period is not foreseen.
3 In the event of payment, it is essential the repayment be made in the currency of the performance bond by the bank and though the performance bonds issued in foreign currencies are accepted by the contracting entity, in cases where the collection can only be made in Turkish Lira as per the financial legislation of the contracting entity, it shall be written that the payment shall be effected over the foreign exchange selling rate of the Central Bank applicable on the date of payment.

Standard Form – KIK029.1/Y
Performance Bond
-- / -- / ----
No: .........

As [the name of bank or private financial body] guarantees TL [amount of performance bond]1, which is the amount of advance payment guarantee required from [the name of contractor] that has undertaken [the name of work] as a result of the procurement held by your Contracting Entity in order to fulfill the provisions of Law No. 4734, Law No. 4735, tender document and contract, and provided that it is required to take this advance payment back for whatsoever reason;

We, the authorized signatories and representatives of [the name of bank or private financial body], hereby represent and declare for and on behalf of [the name of bank / private financial body] that we shall pay the amount written above promptly at your first written demand without any delay to your Contracting Entity or order in cash and completely as well as the legal interests incurred from the date of such demand until the date of payment without any necessity to issue letter of warning, procure court order and take the permission of the said contractor and irrespective of any dispute that may arise between the said contractor and your Contracting Entity as well as disregarding any conclusion and legal consequences of this dispute.

This guarantee shall take effect on the date of advance payment. This guarantee letter shall remain valid until ......../....../...........2 and shall become void if we do not receive any written claim for indemnification until such date.

In the event of indemnification under this guarantee letter, the sum of guarantee letter, which is ..................3, shall be paid to you in the currency of the guarantee letter issued.

[name of bank or private financial body]
[name of branch of the bank or private financial body] Branch
Name, Position and Signature of
Authorized Persons of [name of bank or private financial body]

a) In the case of guarantee letters furnished based upon the counter-guarantee of foreign banks or similar credit bodies, the name of the foreign bank or credit body providing the counter-guarantee and that the guarantee letter is furnished under counter-guarantee shall be specified. If the currency taken as basis for payment is Turkish Lira, the guarantee letters that will be issued under counter-guarantee shall be in Turkish Lira.
b) If the foreign currencies or submitting tenders in foreign currencies are allowed under "Currency Applicable for Tenders and Payments" of the Administrative Specification, the tenderers shall issue their Guarantee Letters in the currency included in the contract.

1 The related currency shall be entered here in the guarantee letters to be furnished in the foreign currency.
2 This date must be determined by the contracting entity in view of the deduction periods.
3 In the event of payment, it is essential the repayment be made in the currency of the guarantee letter by the bank and though the guarantee letter issued in foreign currencies are accepted by the contracting entity, in cases where the collection can only be made in Turkish Lira as per the financial legislation of the contracting entity, it shall be written that the payment shall be effected over the foreign exchange selling rate of the Central Bank applicable on the date of payment.

Standard Form – KIK029.2/Y
Advance Payment Guarantee Letter


[name/ trade title]      :
Legally business address   :

Deposit Account and Facility As of the Date of Statement
Name of Bank
Free Deposit Account

Cash Facility
Security Facility

I hereby certify that the financial status is as given above.

                           NAME, SIGNATURE

1-Reference letters obtained from banks shall be attached to this statement.
2-This certificate can be furnished jointly by the partners in joint ventures irrespective of their shares.
3-The currency shall be specified.

Standard Form – KIK030.0/Y
Financial Status Statement

Name of Contracting Entity      :
[name/ trade title] of Tenderer   :

Free Deposit Account


Cash Facility
Security Facility

We have furnished the information given above upon the request of our customer.

-- / -- / ----
[name of bank]
Names, positions and signatures
of authorized persons

1-The currency shall be specified.
2-If deemed necessary by the Contracting Entity, this instrument shall be confirmed by general directorate or branch of the respective bank. The confirmations via facsimile have to bear the signatures of at least two authorized persons of the bank branch.
3-This certificate can be furnished jointly by the partners in joint ventures irrespective of their shares.

Standard Form – KIK030.1/Y
Form of Bank Letter

(Convention de la Haye du 5 Octobre 1961)

This public document ;
2.Has been signed by ..........................................
3.Acting in the capacity of ..........................................
4.Bears the seal / stamp of ..........................................

5.At ..........................................
6.The ..........................................
7.By ..........................................
8.No: ..........................................
9.Seal / Stamp               10. Signature
....................               ....................

* The Apostille shall be in the shape of square with minimum 9 cm borders 1.

1 Hague Convention dated 05.10.1961 took force in Turkey following the date of 29.09.1985 after it was published in the Official Gazette dated 16 September 1984 by virtue of Decree No. 84/8373 of 27.07.1984. According to Article 2 of the said convention, each of Contracting States shall be exempted from certifying the documents within the scope of this convention and that will be used in the respective country. Apostille shall be affixed on the document or on a paper attached to the document. Apostille may not only be written in the official language of the authority issuing the same, but also in a second language. However, the heading "Apostille Convention de la Haye du 5 Octobre 1961" of the Apostille has to be in French.

Standard Form – KIK031.0/Y
Form of Apostille
(Contractor – Work Completion)

Number:                                    Date: _ _ / _ _ / _ _ _ _

1. Employer (a)                     :
2. Name of Work                  :
3. Location of Work                  :
4. Construction Technique Applied (b)            :
5.  Name, Surname or Trade Name of Contractor         :
6. Percentages of Partnership in Joint Ventures (c)      :
7. First Contract Amount (d)               :
8. Total Contract Amount (e)               :
9. Date of Contract                  :
10. If the Contract is assigned; (f)
    a. Date of assignment (g)               :
    b. Amount of work at the date of assignment (h)      :
    b. Amount of work after the date of assignment    (i)      :
11. Date of temporary acceptance or settlement of work (j)   :
12. Value of Certificate (k)               :


(a)   Name of the Contracting Entity awarding contract shall be indicated for the works contracted with the public sector; name & surname and trade title of the employer shall be written for the works contracted with the private sector.
(b)   In relation to the characteristics of the structure, the items such as bulk, cast, reinforced concrete, steel, wood, pretension concrete etc. with regard to the materials as well as prefabricated construction, formwork – scaffolding system, body construction technique etc. as to the construction method shall be indicated.
(c)   Single certificate shall be issued for joint venture and originals of this certificate shall be given to each partner.
(d)   For the works contracted with public or private sector, any price differences as well as the price in the contract subject to tender discount (if any) excluding VAT shall be written.
(e)   The total amount including legal increases (if any) in the first contract amount (excluding any price differences and VAT, and with tender discount if any) shall be written.
(f)   This section shall be completed with regard to the works contracted with public sector.
(g)   Certification date of Assignment Contract by Notary Public shall be written here.
(h)   The amount of works completed as of the date of assignment over the contract prices (excluding any price differences and VAT, and with tender discount if any) shall be written here.
(i)   The amount after deducting the amount of work ( 10b ) on the date of assignment ( 8 ) from the total contract amount shall be written here.
(j)   For the works contracted with the public sector, the date of temporary acceptance; and for the works contracted with the private sector, the date of (resettlement) permit shall be written here.
(k)   Total contract amount ( 8 ) shall be written. However, if the contract is assigned for the works contracted with the public sector, the amount of work (10c) completed following the date of assignment shall be written provided that at least 70% of the (first) contract amount is realized. This certificate cannot be issued if this requirement is not fulfilled.
(*)   For the works contracted with the public sector, this certificate shall be signed by the authorized body (including official seal, cachet, name and title) and for the works contracted with the private sector, this certificate shall be signed by the governorship or municipality as the case may be (including official seal, cachet, name and title).

Standard Form – KIK032.0/Y
Work Experience Certificate (Contractor- Work Completion)
(Contractor –Work Status)

Number:                                     Date: _ _ / _ _ / _ _ _ _

1. Employer (a)                     :
2. Name of Work                  :
3. Location of Work                  :
4. Construction Technique Applied (b)            :
5.  Name, Surname or Trade Name of Contractor         :
6. Percentages of Partnership in Joint Ventures (c)      :
7. First Contract Amount (d)               :
8. Total Contract Amount (e)               :
9. Completion percentage in cash/ physically of work relative
     to the first contract amount (f)               :
10. Date of Contract                  :
11. If the Contract is assigned; (g)
    a. Date of assignment (h)               :
    b. Amount of work at the date of assignment (i)         :
    b. Amount of work after the date of assignment    (j)      :
12. Value of Certificate (k)               :


(a)   Name of the Contracting Entity awarding contract shall be indicated for the works contracted with the public sector; name & surname and trade title of the employer shall be written for the works contracted with the private sector.
(b)   In relation to the characteristics of the structure, the items such as bulk, cast, reinforced concrete, steel, wood, pretension concrete etc. with regard to the materials as well as prefabricated construction, formwork – scaffolding system, body construction technique etc. as to the construction method shall be indicated.
(c)   Single certificate shall be issued for joint venture and originals of this certificate shall be given to each partner.
(d)   For the works contracted with public or private sector, any price differences as well as the price in the contract subject to tender discount (if any) excluding VAT shall be written.
(e)   The total amount including legal increases (if any) in the first contract amount (excluding any price differences and VAT, and with tender discount if any) shall be written.
(f)   In respect of works that are contracted with the public sector, the ratio of the amount of last progress payment (excluding any price difference and VAT, and with tender discount, if any) in contract prices to the first contract amount shall be written. In respect of works that are contracted with the private sector, the physical completion percentage determined by the contracting entity that is authorized to submit the certificate shall be written.
(g)   This section shall be filled in for the works contracted with the public sector.
(h)   Certification date of Assignment Contract by Notary Public shall be written here.
(i)   The amount of works completed as of the date of assignment over the contract prices (excluding any price differences and VAT, and with tender discount if any) shall be written here.
(j)   The amount after deducting the amount of work ( 11b ) on the date of assignment ( 8 ) from the total contract amount shall be written here.
(k)   In respect of works that are contracted with the public sector, the amount of last progress payment accrued (including any price difference and VAT, and with tender discount, if any) in contract prices, and in respect of works that are contracted with the private sector, the figure that is found by multiplying the physical completion percentage of the work with the contract amount shall be written.
   However, if the contract is assigned for the works contracted with the public sector, the amount of work before (11.b) and after (11.c) the date of assignment shall be written provided that at least 70% of the contract amount is realized. This certificate cannot be issued if this requirement is not fulfilled.
(*)   For the works contracted with the public sector, this certificate shall be signed by the authorized body (including official seal, cachet, name and title) and for the works contracted with the private sector, this certificate shall be signed by the governorship or municipality as the case may be (including official seal, cachet, name and title).
Note: This certificate shall be issued for the works that are undergoing and minimum 70% of the first contract amount is completed.

Standard Form – KIK033.0/Y
Work Experience Certificate (Contractor- Work Completion)

(Subcontractor –Work Completion)

Number:                                     Date: _ _ / _ _ / _ _ _ _

1. Contracting Entity (a)               :
2. Employer (b)                  :
3. Name of actual work               :
4. Location of work               :
5. Name, surname or trade title of subcontractor      :
6. Portion of work performed by the subcontractor (c)   :
7. Construction technique applied (d)         :
8. Date of contract of actual work         :
9. First contract amount of actual work (e)      :
10. Total contract amount of actual work (f)      :
11. Date of contract concluded between
subcontractor and contractor (g)            :
12. Amount of contract concluded between
subcontractor and contractor (h)            :
13. Date of completion of work
performed by subcontractor (i)            :
14. Value of certificate (j)            :

Contractor- Signature (*)                  Signature (*)

(a)   Name of the Contracting Entity, which concluded the contract of the actual work, shall be written.
(b)   Name, surname or trade name of the contractor of work shall be written.
(c)   Name of work provided in the notarized contract concluded between the subcontractor and contractor of work shall be written.
(d)   In relation to the characteristics of the portion of actual work performed by the subcontractor, the items such as bulk, cast, reinforced concrete, steel, wood, pretension concrete etc. with regard to the materials as well as prefabricated construction, formwork – scaffolding system, body construction technique etc. as to the construction method shall be written.
(e)   The price provided in the notarized contract including any tender discount, but excluding any price difference and VAT shall be written.
(f)   The total amount including legal increases (if any) in the contract amount (excluding any price differences and VAT, and with tender discount if any) shall be written.
(g)   The notarization date of the contract concluded between the subcontractor and contractor of the actual work shall be written.
(h)   The price of the contract notarized and concluded between the subcontractor and contractor of the actual work shall be written.
(i)   The date when the subcontractor actually completed his/her work shall be written.
(j)   The lower of the contract amount provided in (12) and the amount paid to the contractor of work by the related in return for the work performed (6) shall be written.
(k)   Name, surname or trade name of the contractor shall be written and signed.
(*)    It shall be signed by the authorized body (with official seal, stamp, name and title) concluding the contract.

Standard Form – KIK034.0/Y
Work Experience Certificate (Subcontractor- Work Completion)
(Work Supervision)

Number:                                     Date: _ _ / _ _ / _ _ _ _

1. Employer (a)                  :
2. Name of work                  :
3. Location of work               :
4. Construction technique applied (b)         :
5. Name, surname of the related person         :
6. Title of contractor (c)               :
7. Certificate issued for (d)            :
8. Other persons with the same capacity (e)      :
9. First contract amount (f)            :
10. Total contract amount (g)            :
11. Date of contract               :
12. Date of temporary acceptance/
dissolution or settlement of work (h)         :
13. Worked between the dates of            :
14. Amount realized during the performance of the related
person and physical realization ratio (i)         :
15. Value of certificate (j)            :

Contractor/ Consultant Signature (k)                  Signature (*)

(a)   The name of the related Contracting Entity shall be written for the supervisors in the public sector or the supervisors of works contracted with the public sector.
(b)   In relation to the characteristics of the structure, the items such as bulk, cast, reinforced concrete, steel, wood, pretension concrete etc. with regard to the materials as well as prefabricated construction, formwork – scaffolding system, body construction technique etc. as to the construction method shall be written.
(c)   The professional title in the diploma of the related person shall be written.
(d)   The capacity of the related person shall be written from the letter of assignment in respect of those in charge of supervision in the public sector and from the notarized letter of commitment in respect of those in charge of supervision of the contractor.
(e)   The persons working at the same time with the same capacity and title shall be written.
(f)   The price in the notarized contract excluding any price difference and VAT, but including the tender discount of this work shall be written.
(g)   The total amount including legal increases (if any) in the contract amount (excluding any price differences and VAT, and with tender discount if any) shall be written.
(h)   The date of temporary acceptance/ dissolution of the work shall be written.
(i)   The amount of progress payment paid to the contractor of work or accrued during the term of office of the related person (excluding any price difference and VAT, but including any tender discount) and the ratio of this amount to the first contract amount shall be written.
(j)    The total amount of progress payment paid or accrued during the term of office of the related person (excluding any price difference and VAT, but including any tender discount) in the contract prices shall be written.
(k)   The name, surname or trade title of the contractor shall be written and signed in respect of those that undertook management on behalf of the contractor of works contracted with the public sector.
(*)   It shall be signed by the authorized body (with official seal, stamp, name and title) concluding the contract.

Standard Form – KIK035.0/Y
Work Experience Certificate (Work Supervision)

(Work Management)

Number:                                     Date: _ _ / _ _ / _ _ _ _

1. Employer (a)                  :
2. Name of work                  :
3. Location of work               :
4. Construction technique applied (b)         :
5. Name, surname of the related person         :
6. Title of contractor (c)               :
7. Certificate issued for (d)            :
8. Other persons with the same capacity (e)      :
9. First contract amount (f)            :
10. Total contract amount (g)            :
11. Date of contract               :
12. Date of temporary acceptance/
dissolution or completion of work (h)         :
13. Worked between the dates of            :
14. Amount realized during the performance of the related
person and cash / physical realization ratio (i)      :
15. Value of certificate (j)            :

Contractor- Signature (k)                  Signature (*)

(a)   The name of the related Contracting Entity shall be written for the managers in the public sector or the managers of works contracted with the public sector.
(b)   In relation to the characteristics of the structure, the items such as bulk, cast, reinforced concrete, steel, wood, pretension concrete etc. with regard to the materials as well as prefabricated construction, formwork – scaffolding system, body construction technique etc. as to the construction method shall be written.
(c)   The professional title in the diploma of the related person shall be written.
(d)   The capacity of the related person shall be written from the letter of assignment in respect of those in charge of management in the public sector and from the notarized letter of commitment in respect of those in charge of management of the contractor.
(e)   The persons working at the same time with the same capacity and title shall be written.
(f)   The price in the notarized contract excluding any price difference and VAT, but including the tender discount of this work shall be written.
(g)   The total amount including legal increases (if any) in the contract amount (excluding any price differences and VAT, and with tender discount if any) shall be written.
(h)   The date of temporary acceptance/ dissolution of the work shall be written.
(i)   The amount of progress payment paid to the contractor of work or accrued during the term of office of the related person (excluding any price difference and VAT, but including any tender discount) and the ratio of this amount to the first contract amount shall be written.
(j)    The total amount of progress payment paid or accrued during the term of office of the related person (excluding any price difference and VAT, but including any tender discount) in the contract prices shall be written.
(k)   The name, surname or trade title of the contractor shall be written and signed in respect of those that undertook management on behalf of the contractor of works contracted with the public sector.
(*)   It shall be signed by the authorized body (with official seal, stamp, name and title) concluding the contract.

Standard Form – KIK036.0/Y
Work Experience Certificate (Work Management)